Kathy is authorized by the LCSW and LMFT boards to provide clinical supervision in order for licensees to to accumulate the required hours for their licensee exams.
Clinical supervision requires a unique set of knowledge and skills which build on, but are different from, counseling knowledge and skills. Administrative supervision also requires a unique set of knowledge and skills that often can differ from the knowledge and approach that clinically trained professionals utilize. This series offers a learning opportunity for those professionals new to clinical supervision as well as for those needing some advanced training or needing further knowledge with regard to administrative issues.
Perhaps one of the most challenging times for a clinician comes when they are promoted to a supervisory level and join the management team. This shift requires a new set of skills, a large body of knowledge which has not been needed as a clinician and, most importantly of all, a whole new emotional and mental mind set.
This course will introduce the student to all areas of knowledge that are required of today’s managers. Personnel topics include recruitment, performance evaluations, legal statutes, and risk reduction. Financial issues introduced are budget, financial reports, and audits. Personal skills addressed include shifts in roles and attitudes, communication, conflict, time/stress management, co-worker/supervisor issues and change management. Leadership styles, project analysis, crises management, organizational structure and corporate culture finish up the overviews.
Kentucky Board of Licensure for Marriage and Family Therapists